If you're encounter an error while burning video, what can you do?
Go to C:\Users\[current user]\AppData\Roaming\Nero\[current Nero version]\Nero Vision, check "NeroBurnServerLog.txt" and "NeroVideoLog.txt" ,save logs to other path, and search "error"
the issue is related with optical drive or Disc, you can switch the optical driver or other new discs or reduce recording speed
- Invalid source picture resolution.
For Nero Video 2018 and older version, check video mode if it is empty, if yes, select NTSC or PAL.
For Nero Video 2019, update to latest version
- Invalid segment duration
For Nero Video 2018 and older version, go to Edit Menu-Customize-Background Audio, check audio if it select "No audio", if yes, please select "Predefined audio/Custom", then burn again.
For Nero Video 2019, update to latest version
If it is not the above burn error, you can test it below:
1. Burn the project without menu(Do not create a menu), check if it burn ok?2. Can the file export the same format successfully?
If you burn DVD error, you can export to MPEG2-DVD video compatible;
if you burn AVCHD error, you can export to AVCHD-AVCHD compatible;
if you burn BD error, you can export to DVD-Blu-ray compatible or AVCHD-Blu ray compatible.
3. You can burn the project to DVD/AVCHD/BD-Hard Disk Folder(not waste Disc) , if burn successfully, the encoding is ok, maybe the issue is related with optical drive or Disc, you can switch another drive or reduce recoding speed to try again.
4.Please use sample video(Flower) burn to DVD/AVCHD/BD-Hard Disk Folder(not waste Disc) , check if it burn ok?
If burn error, no need to do other steps, send us burn error log directly.
5. If burn sample video ok but burn project error, maybe the issue was related with your source file, supply us project(.nvc) and source file , upload the file into google drive or onedrive or others ,share me the link.
- Not enough System Resources will cause “Burn process failed with status 3”
Burning a videodisc with Nero Video contains several processes, like creating disc menus, transcoding the video files in the authoring project, and burning the content to disc/local disk. During the whole process, the application needs enough system resources (CPU, Memory) to complete the job. So, when burning a video disc in Nero Video, please make sure those applications requesting large system resources are not running at the same time.
- Failed Transcoding will cause “Burn process failed with status 3”
While burning content to a disc in Nero Video, all video and audio source clips should match DVD/AVCHD/BD disc compatibility, like the video format, the video resolution, and the bitrate of the video files. In many cases, the files used within a disc project do not match DVD/AVCHD/BD disc compatibility, so Nero Video needs to transcode these files before burning them to the disc medium or to a local disk. Sometimes, this transcoding process may fail, also causing the following burning process to fail, resulting in the error.
Below you can find some reasons for failed transcoding:
1.Not enough space on the hard disk partition (default is C:\, but it can be modified in Options -> Application Setting -> Save) which is used to store the transcoded files
2.Some source video files may not be supported in the Nero Video encoding engine
3.The source video files added to your disc project may be damaged, which will cause the transcoding to fail
If one of the above cases applies, we recommend doing a pre-transcoding of your source files in Nero Recode. From Nero Reocde 2019, the application has the option to select disc compatible profiles to trans-code video files.
Send us the above test results and logs will to help us position problem and solve your problem as soon as possible.